PRIZES: First Prize: A script read and one-hour consultation with Blake Snyder either in person or by phone. All entries are judged not only on creativity, but in the ability to pen a pithy, well-written, STC!-esque logline! Winners will be announced Monday, February 23, 2009.
Enter as often as you wish but only one movie title per entry please.

GONE WITH THE WINE - Scarlett “Merlot” O’Hara is a southern belle and lightweight drinker, whose fierce ambition to save her ante-bellum home changes to a mumbled “fiddle-dee-dee” whenever she has more than one glass of “Tara-ble” table wine.īRAN TORINO - A curmudgeonly, and irregular, former cop constipates the activities of a local gang and solves his other problem at the same time, when he creates a popular - and powerful - health muffin.ĭEADLINE AND RULES: Entries will be accepted no later than midnight PST Wedenesday, Februas posted below in the Comments section of this blog. Time for all fans of Save the Cat! - and movies - to test their creativity and logline-writing skills in our first competition of 2009! We have so many new visitors to our site, thanks to our fantastic international outreach - and Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and Twitter - so to those new to us, welcome! And welcome to one of four contests we will be sponsoring this year, as we did last year, to test your screenwriting mettle.Ĭhange one letter in the title of a famous movie, and write the logline that might appear in TV Guide that takes this alphabetical substitution into account.